Ancient Area of Margiana, Aiia,
Kolkheti , Kardu, Iberia
in the III Millennium BCE
A somewhat pale shadow of the area depicted on this map shows the area where one and/or related Kartu//Iberian population is the first indigenous population. During millennia-old development of culture in this area the local population had several ancient scripts created by themselves. The pictographic, cuneiform, hieroglyphic(Luwian) scripte were clumsy and difficult to learn, hence simpler types of script were created. In various regions of this once unitary territory several ancient scripts still remain undecifered, for instance, two ancient scripts found on stone objects in Northern Iberia and Southern Iberia( we mean the areas of the Iberian peninsula where Spain is now. It is obvious that the Spanish nation, the Eskualdeos//Basq nation have the same ethnic roots. It is sad to hear and sea that some of them have forgotten this mutual past and strive separation, even indipendence from each other. At the same time one may think that great attention ought to be granted to the Basq speaking population and it is better if they live compactly with that part that still talks the Basq language. I would not advocate for full independence from the rest of Spain. Why do that? Be proud of the fact that you have a splended king, a true Iberian. Iberia, Kartu, Kordoba, Colokhiti, Aiia//Haiia- these geographical names spread all over the areas depicted in pale yellow on the map prove the ancient Iberians, Kordobians, Kordus, Kartus, Aiias are still there- in their indigenous millennia-old regions. The great part does not speak there ancient language and do not use their ancient scripts now, but the features of the face, the traditions, songs and danses, national laws, national food and other features reveal their common roots. This unity is very apparent at listening to their performance of national traditional songs together. Such concerts are very much welkome with the listeners, especially when performed at this or that area of the ancient Iberian//Kordowan//Kartuelian sites. The area depicted in pale yellow as Iberian-Kordowan-Kartuellian-Kolkhian//Aiian on the map ought to be a regional entity now. It ought to revive the traditions of decency, honesty, kinship, virtue. These positive features of humans get somehow forgotten and even obsolete lately. That is the sign of the degradation of the human character lately. We ought not look at that unacceptable reality. Decent persons ought to oppose it and revive the shivalry and other positive features in the population of the world. The name Aiiakartiberia, KartiAiiaIberia or IberiaKartiAiia would be appropreate for the definition of the area that has the eldest indigenous roots in the area depected in pale yellow on this map. The cultural history that extends over six millennia in this area ought to be a garantee of the decency and stability of the indigenous ancient population of the area. Others- recent arrivals in that ancient area, ought to learn the ancient traditions and respect them, if not follow them. The indigenous population of this area ought to show a good example to other areas of the world. The vicious attitude of Russia to the millennia-old Kartu//Kartueli nation//the Georgians are a vivid manifestation that cultural and ethnic diversity of the Russians from the Georgians are the basic reason for the mutual antagonism that flares now and then between them since 1801-ies, when the king of Russia Pavel, son( or adopted son) of Catherine II, violated the Treaty of Friendship signed in 1783 by Catherine II and Irakli II king of Karti//Georgia. Pavel was strangled in his bed soon. The new ruler of Russia of those days did not respect the Treaty and did not make efforts to returne the rule of Georgia to its lawful king. Subsequent killings of the family of the Russian tsar Nikolai II appears to be the punishment inflicted on him by nature for indecent attitude to the millennia-old kingship of the Kartu nation//the Georgians. The Kartu nation traditionally did not tread a foot north of the basin of the river Don//ancient Tana. This tradition ought to be revived and strictly maintained.