naTela fofxaZe (Tbilisi)
ori cnoba iberoxalibebis (iberonxalibides) da absilebis (absilai) Sesaxeb elinurenovani teqstebidan
am werilis mizania Sua saukuneebSi moxseniebuli iberebis, xalibebis, absilebis vinaobisa da gansaxlebis Sesaxeb qarTulad gamoqveynebuli cnobebis Sevseba, dazusteba, SedarebiT srulyofilad warmoCena, vidre aqamde xdeboda. cxadia, rom amisaTvis sakmarisi ar aris mxolod Sua saukuneebSi mcxovrebi avtorebis monacemebis ganxilva, radgan zemoxsenebuli samxareo da samefoTa saxelwodebani jer kidev Zv.w. mesame aTaswleulSi aRibeWdnen liTonze, qvaze, Tixaze, xeze. aucilebelia emegir//lursmnuli damwerlobiT Seqmnili mdidari literaturis gaTvaliswineba.
axlaxans elinurad naweri Zveli teqstebis fragmentebis krebulis kiTxvisas yuradReba mivapyari elini avtoris cnobas axali welTaRricxviT 216-ian wlebSi iberoxalibebis ZirZvelobaze da vrclad gansaxlebaze mdinare hifanis//hufanis mTels auzSic, rac amJamad mdinare dneprisa da misi Crdilouri Senakadis-mdinare bugis auzebs Seesabameba. [1] iberoxalibebis qarTveloba ueWvelia. imave mxareSi mosaxleoba uSualod, pirdapir, “georgebad” (anu, aRiarebuli SexedulebiT, qarTvelebad) ixseniebian manamdec-pirvel saukuneSi strabonis geografiaSi, rac rukazea asaxuli strabonis geografiis mesame tomis bolos Tanmxleb rukaze.[2] strabonma mdinare hufanis(hifanis)//dnepris mTels auzSi pirvel saukuneSi arsebuli mosaxleoba georgebis (qarTvelebis) saxelwodebiT moixsenia. es cnoba qarTulenovan krebulebSi aqamde aravis uxsenebia. misi gaTvaliswineba CrdiloeT saqarTvelos miwa-wyalze msjelobisas, momavalSi aucilebelia. georgebis sacxovrebeli mxare mdinare hufanis//hifanis//dnepris auzidan odnav aRmosavleTiT mdebare kriumetoponis (amJamindeli Крым yirimi, Zveli saxelwodebiT cnobilia naxevarkunZul “aia”-d da “aiaia”-d) mosaxleobad aRiarebs straboni. is kuTxe frederik diubuam rukebisa da suraTebis atlasSi aRbeWda 1845 wels parizSi.[3] iberieli xalibebi moixseniebian hufanispireTSic//dneprispireTSic elinur enaze 1914 wels qalaq StutgartSi dabeWdil elinurenovani cnobebis fragmentebis krebulSic da momdevno xanis publikaciebSic.[4] am sayuradRebo cnobis arsebobaze qarTulenovan gamokvlevebSi veraferi moviZie. savaraudoa, rom is ver moxvda qarTulenovan publikaciebSi imis gamo, rom xsenebuli elinuri teqsti rusulad ar Targmnes da ar dabeWdes, gamotoves, radgan asaxavs iberoxalibTa// qarTvelTa ZirZvelobas hifanispireTSic anu dneprispireTSic. iqauri arqeologiuri monapovrebi aucileblad iRaRadeben maT Semqmnelebze-iberoxalibebze, anu qarTuelebze.
aqve unda vaxsenoT pirvel saukuneSi moRvawe romaeli didmoxelis-pomponius melas mier Sedgenil geografiul aRweraSi qarTvelTa ZirZvelobis aRniSnva CrdiloeT kaspiispireTSic. leningradelma mkvlevarma lev elnickim p. melas es cnoba uaryo, rogorc mcdari da usafuZvlo, radgan, misi azriT, qarTvelebi im mxareSi sxva wyaroebiT ar ixseniebian.[5] laparakia navTobiT mdidar kaspiispira mxareze, romelic amJamad ruseTis federaciuli respublikis SemadgenlobaSia CarTuli. pomponius melas qveyana-romis saxelmwifo-qarTebs mtrobda, eomeboda da qarTebis p. melas mier mikerZoebiT gandideba warmoudgenelia, piriqiT, damcroba ki _ mosalodneli. simarTles arafrad agdebda leningradeli profesori lev elnicki. manve miCqmala pliniusis mier Sedgenil geografiul aRweraSi garkveviT asaxuli “absua” mxaris arseboba (mdinare “ra”-s, anu amJamindeli saxelwodebiT, mdinare volgis SesarTavSi kaspiis tbasTan//”zRvasTan”) sxvadasxva wels gamoqveynebul mis statiaSi da wignSi.[6] imave mxareSi, sadac pliniusma mxare “absoa” gakvriT axsena, misma megobarma romaelma didmoxelem- pomponius melam, mosaxleoba aRbeWda “iberi” saxelwodebiT. es uflebas gvaZlevs CrdiloeT kaspiispireTi pirvel saukuneSi iberebiT anu qarTvelebiT dasaxlebulad miviCnioT da kaspiispira mcire kuTxe “absua”-c qarTvelebis mxared, CrdiloeT saqarTvelod vaRiaroT. strabonmac, pliniusmac, melamac kavkasionis qedis CrdiloeTiT mdebare vrceli midamoc georgebis, kolxebis anu qarTvelebis imJamindel miwa-wylad moixsenies wignebSi.
“absu”//”afsu” aris lursmnuli damwerlobiT aRbeWdili teqstebiT cnobili qardus// qarduniaSis samefos damaarsebeli qarTi eris erovnuli RvTaeba _ enqis//anqis sacxovrebeli geografiuli kuTxis saxelwodeba. ZvelTaZveli Tqmulebis Tanaxmad, is swored absuSi cxovrobda, mdinare puranunus okeanesTan SesarTavTan mdebare lerwmisa da lelis mcenareebiT moculi Waobis siRrmeSi-wyalSi Cadgmul SenobaSi; erTdroulad miwis RvTaebac iyo da miwisqveSa mtknari wylis _ okeanis meufec. enqis sacxovrebeli mxare “absu” iyo naxevarkunZul aiaias (SemdgomSi ‘kriumetopon’) maxloblad. mimdebare tabaebiT//tbebiT mdidar mxare “taban”-Si moedineba didi mdinare, romelsac qarTvelTaTvis sanukvari saxeli “aia” amJamadac SerCa (ix. amJamindeli rukebi). (is mxare “taban” da ara “taman” sityviT moixsenia Tavis wignSi erekle meoris Tanamedrove ucxoelma kacma, gvarad giuldenStedtma. is germanulenovani cnoba saTanadod aRbeWda giuldenStedtis mogzaurobis qarTul enaze mTargmnelma g. gelaSvilma. am cnobaze sazogadoebis yuradReba ramdenjerme gaamaxvila zurab ratianma Tavis wignebSic, moxsenebebSic, statiebSic, radioTi gamosvlebSic). mdinare aias SesarTavSi, kolxebis// lazebis zRvasTan mdebareobda da mdebareobs qalaqi “aia”. qarTuli, aseve, elinurenovani Zveli gadmocemebiT, qarTvelTa did mefes aiets Tavisi vrceli samSoblos dedaqalaqi, saxelad, “aia” hqonda zemoxsenebul aiaias naxevarkunZulzec, sadac SemdgomSi miTradaTa didad wodebuli mefis mxedarTmTavarma aRadgina qalaqi da, kolxebis im mefis pativsacemad, “evpatoria” uwoda. es saxelwodeba amJamadac SerCa. iqve iyo Zvelad qalaqebi “dia” da “quTaia”. naxevarkunZuli aiaia, amJamad “krim”-ad//“yirim”-ad wodebuli, nikita xruSCovis zeobisas ssrk-is xelisuflad, misi mondomebiT, miekuTvna ukrainis respublikas, romlis saxelwodeba arcTu didi xnis win iyo “Малая Россия”, “Окрайна России” anu “ganapira mxare”. “okraina” sityvis cvlileba “ukraina”-d mis arss ver cvlis.
qarTul teqstebSi Sua saukuneebSi gakvriT ixsenieba geografiuli kuTxe “abSileTi, romelsac elinurenovan teqstebSi miesadageba “absilia”; ixsenieba kolxeTis zRvis, meore saxeliT, “didi zRvis” (Sua saukuneebis italiurenovan rukebzea “mare majore”) aRmosavleTi sanapiros erT-erT cicqna kuTxeSi. SesaZleblad mimaCnia misi dakavSireba saqmianobis - miwaTmoqmedebis aRmniSnvel sityvasTan “absin” (is lursmnuli damwerlobiT aRbeWdilia Zveli qardunias samefos arsebobis Jamindel leqsikonebSi da teqstebSi; miviCnevT “miwaTmoqmedebis gamomgonebeli eris” anu “margalis”, “georgis” Sesatyvisad. meores mxriv, sityva “absu” sayovelTaod aRiarebulia qarTvelTa erovnuli RvTaeba enqis sacxovrebeli geografiuli adgilis-“absu”–s saxelwodebad; is qarTvelTa miwa-wyalis ramdenime mxareSi mdebareobda: CrdiloeT kaspiispireTSi, mdinare puranunus (romelsac SemdgomSi ewoda evfrati) SesarTavSi okeanesTan, lazebis zRvis CrdiloeT sanapirosTan (XVI saukuneSi Sedgenil rukaze, romlis avtoria sando, cnobili rukaTmxazveli anton jenkinsi).[7] “lazebis zRvas” oriod saukunis winaT “l” CamoaSores, albaT artiklad miiCnies da daumkvidres Secvlili saxelwodeba- “mare di azoi”, “azov sii”//Азовское море// azovis zRva (“lazebis” zRvis nacvlad). es Cemamde didi xniT adre mkvlevarma filip bruunma SeamCnia da 1876 wels Tavis frangulenovan wignSi gamoaqveyna.[8]
“qarduniaS” saxeliT sayovelTaod cnobil samefoSi Zv.w. mesame aTaswleulSi misma mefem aago taZari, saxelad, “absu”. iq ZirZveli samxreTi saqarTveloa. amJamad is mxare erayis respublikis nawilia. zemoTxsenebuli da kidev meti sxva monacemebis, romelTa aq CamoTvla Sors wagviyvanda, gaTvaliswinebiT, umarTebulod mimaCnia cneba “absu”-s warmodgena XIX saukuneSi k. rozenisa da msgavsi moxetiale pirebis mier yalbi varaudebiT Sekowiwebuli romelime araqarTveli erovnebis saxelwodebad. qarTvel mefeebs azrad ar mosvliaT absuas cnebis abxaz-Tan gaigiveba. simarTle ase Tu ise aRsdga saqarTvelos respublikis mTavrobisa da pavle ingoroyvas ZalisxmeviT 1943 wlidan 1957 wlamde gamoqveynebuli publikaciebiT, maT Soris rukebiT, cneba “afxazis” raobaze. gansakuTrebiT sayuradReboa saqarTvelos komunisturi partiis centraluri komitetis arqivSi Cems mier mikvleuli akaki mgelaZis werili ssrk-is xelisufal ioseb stalinisadmi( juRaSvilisadmi) qarTveli afxazebis skolebis gaqarTulebis sikeTeze. werili ramdenjerme gamovaqveyne gazeTebSi.
elinur teqstSi ibero-xalibebis anu iberieli xalibebis//iverieli xalibebis moxseniebas erTaderT mkvidr mosaxleobad dneprisa da misi Senakadis -bugis auzebSi( Zveli saxelwodebiT, mdinare hufanis auzSi) mesame saukuneSi, yuradReba miapyres amerikelma mkvlevarebmac 1990-ian wlebSi da gamoaqveynes internetiT; dagegmili aqvT, evropis komisiis mier jer kidev 1995 wels gamocxadebuli konkursis farglebSi, evropis mosaxleobis eTniuri istoriis kvlevis Sedegebis wignad gamoqveynebac; ganixiles lursmnuli, elinuri, romauli damwerlobiT moRweuli gamoqveynebuli didZali masala. im proeqts momavalSi mimovixilavT. qarTuelTa saxelmwifos amJamindel arc qarTul, arc ucxoenovan oficialur saxelwodebaSi arc iberia, arc xalibi ar aris gamokveTili. albaT, amitom moxda, rom amerikelma mecnierebma dneprispirel ibero-xalibebze moridebuli varaudi gamoaqveynes maTs SesaZlo espanelobaze.[9] vityvi, rom amas ewinaaRmdegeba imave dneprispireTSi manamde (I saukuneSi) elinur da romaul teqstebSi – aRwerebSi mosaxleobis “georgoi” saxelwodebiT moxsenieba, rac ueWvelad amtkicebs xsenebuli ibero-xalibebis qarTvelobas//georgielobas.[10]
naTela b. fofxaZe
ori cnoba berZnuli wyarodan da maTi interpretacia(ibero-xalibebi, afsilebi)
mokle Sinaarsi
saerTaSoriso sazogadoebis-‘evropis komisia’-TaosnobiTa da mxardaWeriT 1999 wels Seiqmna da internetiT inglisur enaze gamoqveynda gamokvleva ‘evropaSi mdebare yofili sabWoTa respublikebi’. saqarTvelos, azerbaijanis,ukrainis, armeniis Sesaxeb masala momzadda TviT respublikebSi, bolos gaerTianda da gamosaqveyneblad momzadda erevanSi. yvela respublikis masala iwyeboda istoriis mimoxilviT da eyrdnoboda berZnuli da laTinurenovani wyaroebis interpretacias. masala gviCvenes 1999 wels TbilisSi mimdinare saerTaSoriso konferenciis-,,telematika kavkasiaSi” monawileebs. iqve gamoiTqva sayveduri saistorio nawilis Semdgenlebis mimarT, zogierTi sakiTxis Seusabamod warmodgenis gamo. saqarTveloze masala daeyrdno roin metrevelis inglisurenovan wigns saqarTveloze. iqve, konferenciaze gadawyda axali sainterneto krebulis momzadeba. bundovani sakiTxebis garkvevaSi SesaZlo wvlilis Sesatanad, Cemi iniciativiT, guldasmiT-SeZlebisdagvarad Rrmad vikvlie cnobebi qarTvelebisa da mezoblebis Sesaxeb. xelaxla vikvlie bizantiuri xanis teqstebis inglisuri, franguli Targmanebi nawyvetebisa berZnul da laTinur pirvelwyaroTa publikaciebTan SejerebiT.
ramdenadac CemTvis cnobilia, specialur literaturaSi miviwyebulia zogierTi erTob sayuradRebo cnoba qarTvelebis Sesaxeb. magaliTad, mesame saukuneSi georgebis- sxva wyaroebiT iverieli xalibebis-farTod gansaxlebis Sesaxeb mdinare CrdiloeT hifanis auzSi;- mosxebisa/mosxi qarTvelebisa-mdinare ‘ra’-s qvemo welSi/amJamindeli saxelwodebiT Tu vityviT, qveda volgispireTSi. ‘iberon xalipides’ anu iverieli xalibebis saxeliT, mesame saukuneSi, hipanis auzis mosaxleobad berZnuli wyaros cnobas yuradReba miapyres ramdenime wlis win amerikelma mkvlevarebma da gamoaqveynes saerTaSoriso organizacia ‘evropis komisiis’ mier mxardaWerili sxva proeqtis masalaSi, romelic inglisur enaze 1996 wlidan xelmisawvdomia internetiT. amerikeli mkvlevari varaudobs, rom mesame saukuneSi berZnul enaze gamoqveynebul geografiul aRweraSi mdinare hifanis(dnepris) auzSi ‘iberon xalipidebi, albaT, iyvnen iberielebi-espaneli iberielebi da amJamindeli espanelebis winaprebad miiCnevs maT. vfiqrob, rom mis varauds ewinaaRmdegeba is, rom manamde, kerZod pirvel saukuneSi, sandod aRiarebuli mkvlevarebi straboni da pomponius mela xsenebuli mdinaris auzSic da ufro aRmosavleTiT mimdebare vrcel mxareSic, kerZod, mdinare donis samxreTiT, sadac erT did mdinares amJamadac qarTvelebisaTvis sanukvari saxeli ‘aia/ea’ ewodeba, ZiriTad mosaxleobad asaxeleben qarTvelebs. qarTveli mefis giorgi erekle meoris Zis ojaxis azri xsenebuli sakiTxisadmi gaTvaliswinebulia da aRbeWdilia rusi mkvlevarisa da sasuliero piris-mitropolit evgeni bolxovidtinovis 1804 wlis gamokvlevaSi qarTvelebze, romelic mTlianad iTargmna da gamoqveynda germanul enazec, sadac rusulSi mexuTe, xolo germanul TargmanSi mecxre gverdze, SaviT TeTrze weria, rom ZirZveli saqarTvelo CrdiloeTiT iyo donis auzis CaTvliT. xsenebul midamoSi Zvel droSi Seqmnili kulturis Zeglebis garkveuli nawili aucileblad iRaRadebs maT Semqmnel erze-qarTvelebze. ara marto bizantiuri xanis, aramed manamdeli berZnuli da laTinurenovani saistorio-kulturuli xasiaTis cnobebis gaazrebisas zogi gaugebari sityva, saxelwodeba advilad gasagebi gaxdeba, Tu gaviTvaliswinebT lursmnuli damwerlobiT aRbeWdili masalis monacemebs. magaliTad, sayuradRebod vTvli, rom SumerulSi ‘afsin’ aris ‘xnuli’. aqedan ki SesaZleblad mimaCnia bizantiuri da qarTulenovani wyaroebis ‘afsilis’ gaazreba ‘mxvnel-mTesvelebis’ anu georgianebis/qarTvelebis modgmad.
Natela Popkhaze
A Pair of Notes from Greek Texts (the Iberian Chalibs, the Apsils)
In a report I will draw public attention to the Iberian Chalibs/ Ibero Khalibs attested as the main population in the Hypanis valley at the Northern coast of the Colchian Sea/the Pontos by several Greek authors in the I-III cc. Their interpretation seems easy as several ancient Greek politicians in those centuries attest the population near that Hypanis as ‘the Georgians’/the Georgoi. Corresponding maps accompany modern publications with the Georgoi at the Hypanis. The identity of the Iberian Chalibs with the Georgians/the Kartvels is apparent; The Greek text on the Iberian Chalibs at the Hypanis became available to me in two publications of the excerpts from Greek authors: one was a huge five-volume work entitled ‘Memorie” where Greek texts were accompanied with their Latin translations made in XIXc. published in Snt.-Petersburgh in XIX c. Another was a book of Greek excerpts published in Schtuttgardt in 1912. Both publications were available at the Illia Chavchavadze Public Parliamentary Library in Tbilisi. The corresponding publications printed elsewhere in Russian, and, apparently, from that into Kartuli, do not contain that important excerpt. The translation of those words ‘Ibero Chalibes’into our language gives ‘Karti eri’. The word pronounced ‘Eri’-and meaning ‘a nation’-is used nowadays; it is worth mentioning that it has been attested as that very ‘eri’ with that very meaning in cuneiform texts in I, II, III millennia B.C. Another word in cuneiform- ‘Apsin’, meaning the ploughed area, ‘xnuli’ in modern Kartuli(from ‘khani’=an ox, hence khanva/dakhanva/xvna- ploughing with the ox’s help), seems to be the basis for the later Kartuli, Greek and Latin ‘Apsili’, Apsilai, Apsilae. Apsin is derived from ‘Apin’( an ox), hence a ploughing ox’s ‘Apeurebi’ in Kartuli. Several other hitherto unaccountable Kartuli and Greek terms may also be interpreted with the help of the cuneiform texts and cuneiform dictionaries. In special literature, e.g. in ‘the European Ethnohistory’published on the Web since 1996(publication in book format is suspended due to the work being going on), attention is paid to the aforesaid Iberian Chalibs in III c. at the Hypanis. The author of that publication, a US-American scholar, seems to be unaware that the Iberian is a synonym of Kartveli. He associates the Iberian Chalibs living at the Hypanis/Dniepr according to the Greek text, with the Iberians of the Iberian peninsula at the Atlantic, telling that modern Spanish nation is apparently related to those Iberian Chalibs. The Georgoi in the Chersoness (Qhirimi in Kartuli, the Crimea in English) in Strabo’s Geography in the I c. were, of course, the Kartveli nation. The Georgoi in the peninsula called Qhirimi in Kartuli, the Crimea in English nowadays, are attested at the map made by Frederic Dubois in 1845 in his ‘Atlas of the Travels’ published in Neuchatel; besides, in Strabo’s Geography-the Loaeb edition. The tradition that Aiette king of Colchis/Georgia/Karti had cities there, spent several months of the year there, needs to be remembered. The attestation of the Tsirtseian/Tsiratsaian/Kirkeian regional kingdom at the western region of the Aeaea(the land called Crimea now) in Greek texts is also very important. The indigenous Northern Karti/Colkheti/Georgia/Iberia in the view-point of our royal family is represented in King Davit Giorgis-dze’s books( Giorgi was the son of King Iracli Bagrationi-the national hero of the Kartvels; Giorgi succeeded Iracli on the throne) . His brother-Mepis Dze(Tsarevitsh in Russian) Teimuraz was also the author of several books and the member of the Russian, French and Dutch Academies of Science. He was among the founders of the Moscow University. That was acknowledged on the marble stella placed in the entrance to that university. The royal families of two kings of Karti(Kartli-Kakheti and Imereti kingdoms) and the ruling princes of one region of Kartvels (Apkhazeti) appeared to live at the Russian various towns in XIX c.against their desire; they were all exiled, forcefully removed to Voronezh, Moscow, Petersburgh etc. They continued the political and literary work in exile. Later in 1918, forced to abdicate from his throne, King Nicholas II of Russia is quoted to have regretfully said that the misfortune of the Russian royal family was God’s vengeans on it for the devastation and annihilation of the millennia-old kingship in Karti/Sakartuelo. The view of the members of the Royal families of Karti/Sakartvelo on the subject that indigenous Karti/Georgia stretches to the river Doni/the Don is backed by Strabo telling that in Ic. B.C.E.- Assander’s( king in Northern Colkheti in the Crimea/ Cherson) kingdom embraced the Don and that he built a long wall against the Northern aliens in what was later called Olbia. That wall was uncovered in 1970-ies by Tatiana Samoilova-an archaeologist, a former film star. Formerly the Don has been in Karti/Iberia/Colcheti/Gruzia/Gurjustan- the Russian scientist, the Metropolitan of Kiev, Rector of the Christian Orthodox Academy at Moscow- Evgenii Bolkhovitdinov published in 1802 in Russian in Snt.-Peterburgh. That book – ‘Izobrazhenie Iverii/Gruzii’- ‘the Short Review of the History of Iveria/Iberia/Gruzia/Karti/Georgia’ was translated into German and published both in Leipzig and Riga in 1804. It has a nice review of the Greek historical notes concerning the patriotic aspirations of the Colchian/Kartveli nation. That book is reproduced entirely in G. Sharadze’s monograph -Evgenii Bolkhovitdinov-the First Rustvelologist from Russia’-published in Tbilisi in Russian. At the International Conference in Byzantine Studies in Moscow in 1990 where I delivered two papers, a speaker from Moscow delivered a paper at the first plenary session about the Chalibs in Greek texts in I-III cc. He reasoned against historical evidence and declared that the Chalibs in Greek texts living at the Hypanis were the Russians. That paper is published in the Proceedings of that conference. Modern publications revive the obsolete term ‘Khazar’ and promote the idea of the reestablishment of Khazaria. The ethnicity of the Khazars being of dubious nature, their successors in modern times hardly available, that would be a dangerous initiative. I ought to remark that the view-point of Vakhushti Bagrationi in his Geographic Atlas of Karti/Sakartuelo and neighboring regions published only in 1997 in Tbilisi, has misinformation on one map having an inscription that the Khazars were the Russians and the Russian alphabet is the Khazar alphabet. He lived in Northern Russia as an exile from Karti/Sakartuelo in those days, hence that misinformation might be imposed, forced on him by the Russian officials. At the International TV canals and videos at YouTube, modern persecuted Christians in Iraq are shown singing their national anthem and demanding the re-establishment , the revival of the Assyrian Empire on the area it had two and a half millennia ago. That is the direct effect of the founding of the Republic of Israel for the Jews in 1948; several other nations also demand reestablishment of nation-states that were annihilated two and more millennia ago. ‘The past history is not past at all, we live with it, it has great impact upon our lives’-quoting a recent speech of a prominent scholar at the Oriental Institute Museum at the Chicago University in the USA.
[1] Fragmentae Historiae Graecorum. Stuttgart. Ed. Hahn, G. 1914. p.8
[2] Strabo. Geography. Ed. By H. Jones. The Loab Classical Library, London, 1936, Vol. 3. Map No. 2
[3] Dubois, F. Voyage autour de Caucase. ATLAS. Serie 1. Planche 6. Neuchatel. 1845
[4] Sbornik Arqheologitchni. Sliven. 1958, p.65
[5] Вестник древней истории(ВДИ). М-Л. 1949. т. 18, 142.
[6] Ibid. 1947. том 16. стр. 162; Елницкий Лев. Знания древних о северных странах, М., 1961, 57, 98.
[7] Jenkens, Anthony. Map of Russia, Tartaria, etc. 1562. In Abraham Ortelius. Teatrum Orbis Terrarum. Antwerp. 1734. Published at the Yale University Antiquarian Maps Collection.
[8] Bruun, Ph. Gazarie. Snt. Petersburg, 1876. 76
[9] Sokal, I. European Ethno-history. On-line Internet publication, 1999.
[10] es faqtebi cnobili iyo saqarTvelos samefo ojaxisTvis, romelic ruseTSi iyo gadasaxlebuli da iq agrZelebda politikur Tu kulturul moRvaweobas. qarTveli mefis giorgi erekle II Zis ojaxis azri gaTvaliswinebulia da aRbeWdili rusi mkvlevarisa da sasuliero piris – mitropolit evgeni bolxovitinovis mier, romelic 1802 wels peterburgSi aqveynebs naSroms saTauriT Изображение Иверии/Грузии, romelSic wers: «Напоследокъ древние Иверы владения свои распространили было по всему пространству между Каспийскимъ и Чернымъ морем отъ Персидского города Тавриса и Турецкого Ерзерума до устьи реки Дона (ст. 9).
naSromi iTargmna germanul enaze da erTdroulad gamoqveynda laifcigsa da rigaSi 1804 wels saTauriT: Georgien oder Historisches Gemalde von Grusien. rusuli teqsti TbilisSi srulad gamosca guram SaraZem wignSi `evgeni bolxovitinovi – pirveli rusTvelologi ruseTidan~.
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