пятница, 14 сентября 2007 г.

The Enygmatic Person in 580-ies BCE

The image of Nabukodori II chiselled on a cliff or a piece of stone is not of a fat man with glaring frightening looks one would expect, considering the greatness of his vast kingdom that included the river Khapi/Nyl in what was called KMT in the West and Margiana in the East. To the amazement of any XXI century lover of the ancient history he was a tall and very thin man of over 50 with a look of a devoted and prudent man. His gaze is directed beyond the sculptor to distant spot. It was a surprise to me to see a long candle-like object in his devotionally upheld hand. Some four or five long sentences inscribed on the stone- block in the Emegr* script might tell important facts concerning him. I was unable to find the translation of that text in any modern language, so the text is a mystery to me. The author of the English-language information on the image of that stone wrote that the stone-block was very important because to the right of the king the Temple Tower of Babili was depicted- that was( and maybe still is) the only image of that famous edifice available to the said author in the 1950-ies.

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